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    The main objective is to obtain one or a set of representative samples of the water discharge that is directed towards the urban or municipal sewer, in order to analyze and compare the results obtained with the maximum permissible limits established by the standard and in this way prevent and control pollution of national waters and assets.

    Land use feasibility report (DAU):


    WHAT IS MEANT BY LAND USES?: The particular purposes (activities/projects) to which they may be dedicated certain areas or properties of a population center.

    LAND USE OPINION: It is the administrative act issued by the competent Municipal Authority regarding documentary analysis and field verification, duly founded and motivated that is made of compliance with the Laws, Regulations, Plans and Programs, Federal, State and Municipal for the purpose of determining whether an action of urbanization, building, installation or operation of any line of business or activity responds to the regulatory provisions. This is a unique permit, necessary to be able to carry out business activity, using a space with a commercial or industrial purpose.

    zona urbana

    Land use technical opinion (DAU)

    dictamen estructural

    Procedure that is carried out when due to investment needs, knowledge of feasibility is required and all the necessary documentation is not available. This is the agency’s response, when it is not required to attach new documentation to obtain land use. It is a document with official validity for the business and in the name of the owner of the specific activity.

    Operation license (DAU)



    Authorization officially granted by the city council of the municipal president, for the operation of a specific business in its specific place and for an indefinite period of time. The annual permit makes it possible to carry out your activity or business within the municipality.

    elaboración de programa interno de protección civil
    Certified environmental consulting for guaranteed results

    Urban Image (DAU)

    tipos de anuncios publicitarios

    Annual Renewal Permit that makes it possible to promote the business through advertisements such as signs, signs, billboards, flags, awnings, directory tower, marquee, terraced, billboard, and distribution of graphic propaganda in the municipality.

    Safety measures certificate (firefighters)


    Annual inspection, carried out to obtain approval that indicates that the property complies with the measures and safety equipment required in case of a fire contingency

    servicios de protección civil en tijuana

    Service feasibility (firefighters)

    elaboración de plan de emergencia de incendios

    Feasibility that the Directorate of the Heroic Fire Department grants to its project, for the only time. Its purpose is to know the fire stations that are located near your business.

    Certified environmental consulting for guaranteed results

    MIA Municipal (DPA Municipal)


    Instrumento de carácter preventivo. Se aplica en obras o actividades humanas con el objetivo de prevenir los efectos negativos sobre la salud humana y el medio ambiente que pudieran derivarse del desarrollo de una obra o actividad.


    Preventive report (municipal DPA)


    materia de impacto ambiental

    The document called Preventive Report, also called Environmental Impact Agreement, applies to works and activities that, due to their location, dimensions, characteristics or scope, do not produce negative environmental impacts. significant to the environment, do not cause ecological imbalances, nor exceed the limits and conditions established in the legal provisions referring to the preservation of the ecological balance and the protection of the environment. In these cases, they will not be subject to the presentation of the Environmental Impact Statement.

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