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Document through which the general data of a work or activity is made known for the purposes of determining whether it falls within the assumptions indicated by article 31 of the law or requires to be evaluated through an environmental impact statement. It is a request that is submitted to the state environmental authority, to notify the characteristics of the operation and production process.
Technical study that is presented to the state authority, where the impacts and environmental aspects of a new project or project in expansion are declared. Especially if it is a company with emissions into the atmosphere, generation of wastewater from its process or generation of hazardous waste.
Any physical or legal person that generates special handling waste, as a result of carrying out productive or consumption processes, must have this record. It reports the waste generated from the activities involved in obtaining a product, good or service, and its purpose is to control its generation and final disposal. It is important to keep this record updated, this is only done when there are changes.
Annual report provided on the waste generated, providing information on its management and disposal.
The natural or legal persons generating EMR must present management plans and programs that define actions and measures for prevention, control, minimization, reuse and recycling, as well as its report on progress and achievements on a semi-annual basis. The objective is to minimize the generation and maximize the recovery and use of waste.
Annual award that serves to notify about the emissions produced and the control equipment implemented for control reduction. They serve to know the situation related to the discharges of emissions into the atmosphere generated by works or activities, public or private, as well as obtain information on chemical substances, products and waste that They are managed in the State; all this with the purpose of carrying out actions aimed at its control to protect our environment. There are two types of records: Authorization to discharge wastewater under control into the sewage system; Operate a fixed source of emissions into the atmosphere.
They are used to know the situation related to wastewater discharges generated by works or activities, public or private, as well as to obtain information on chemical substances, products and waste. that are managed in the State; all this with the purpose of carrying out actions aimed at its control to protect our environment.
Document that establishes the conditions for joint treatment of wastewater due to excess biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and total suspended solids (TSS). Agreements are established with the agency (CESPT) if necessary, so that discharges with a high level of BOD and TSS can be discharged.
The main objective of the program is to raise awareness and train all Industries, Businesses and Services that, due to the nature of their activity or the benefits they offer to their employees, prepare or serve food that is in contact with edible fats or oils within their establishment; and that at any time can be discharged as waste fats and oils into the sewage system. To reduce the contributions of fats and oils that each establishment discharges and to mitigate possible disorders (clogging) of the sewage system caused by the accumulation of waste fats and oils, it is promoted a device called grease trap, which once installed “traps the grease” and separates it, thus allowing it to be removed in an accessible and simple way and subsequently disposed of in the trash or with a supplier.
Instrument that seeks to compile annual multimedia information on the emissions and transfers of pollutants and substances; Facilitate monitoring of environmental performance in the operation of the establishment; Gather supporting information to support decision-making regarding the atmosphere, special management waste and urban solids and environmental protection in general, and the formulation of environmental criteria and policies; Update the RETC database with annual environmental information from establishments under state jurisdiction.